10 x 15 in, each


Materials: pages from my diary and cardboard

One question stuck with me: do people have free will? My answer is two models:

Tile (no free will): You move with the flow. If other people 'slide', you slide with them. In death, you slide 'off the grid', with other people. However, ultimately, nothing matters because 'tiles', while different, are ultimately the same.

Puzzle (free will): Everyone has a puzzle of their own. You are the center piece. When you are born, there is one single piece. As you grow, you find pieces important to you (people, ideas, etc...). As you get older, you lose the pieces (death, etc...) and they never return, until you are alone, as you were born. You die alone, but everything had a purpose and mattered, like pieces in a puzzle. The answer depends on what model choose, and I chose the latter. Writing is a habit of mine, and I record my life in a Journal daily. I took some pages out and made it into a puzzle.




Behind Victor's History (comic)